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Impact of supplied voltage on electricity consumption

Conservation voltage reduction (CVRConservation voltage regulation (CVR) applied to energy savings by voltage-adjusting equipment through AMI - IOPscience is an energy-saving measure that, in accordance with the voltage-regulated standards at the users’ end (e.g. ANSI C84.1 for the United States of America; article 36 of the Electricity Act of Taiwan) and by lowering the operating voltage of distribution feeder, allows reduction of the system’s demand for electricity [1,2]. This approach is known to have the following #advantages: to hinder the peak load; reduce electrical energy loss; defer investment in new equipment, lower operating cost of electrical power generation, and eventually save energy and reduce carbon emission.

Power companies can reduce the #electricity demand through the application of CVR. However, a voltage drop occurs during the power transmission process, as shown in Figure 1. To avert overly low voltage at the feeder’s end, the power company must boost the voltage at the feeder’s end as shown in Figure 2. If the operator may lower the voltage at the end of the feeder, along with voltage-adjusting equipment located at the middle and downstream of the feeder, then it will allow the voltage at the users’ end to fall within a reasonable range, and this will expand the scope for managing the voltage.

Some studies also point out that the application of CVR does appear effective in terms of energy savings. Table 1 compiles the results of tests run by power companies from different geographical zones, on applications of CVR on residential and commercial electrical loads: This study has observed from these test results that every 1% reduction in voltage, will also reduce the demand for power consumption by 0.8 to 1.38% [3]. This study can therefore determine that CVR does enhance energy-saving effectiveness; however, the studies and documents did not discuss the impact of CVR on either loss from transmission line or transformer.

Table 1. Test Results of CVR in the US.

Feigin Electric / Ecnology optimizes voltage and filter harmonics for the end consumer with the best efficiency in the world. That's why every 1% reduction in voltage by Smart -Optimizer #ECOD, will reduce the demand for power consumption by 1.4% to 2.8%. The efficiency of Smart-Optimizer ECOD technology is not less than 99.7% due to the patented principle of work. 95% of energy is transmitted electrically and only 5 % electromagnetically. Ordinary voltage optimizers or stabilizers transmit 100% energy electromagnetically. That is why the losses of ordinary voltage optimizers are many times higher.

Mass use of Smart Optimizer ECOD can affect the increasing stability of the energy system overall, which will allow for reduced losses in transmission lines. Conservation voltage reduction CVR cannot do it. just the opposite, can affect increasing losses), allow to minimize reactive power kVArreduce electricity consumption kWh for the end consumers, reduce a peak demand kW, and increase equipment lifespan for the end consumers.

Maximum optimization of voltage on the level of ultimate consumers, allowed by the Standard, at 0,4 kV will reduce current values in feed lines up to the sources producing electric energy – generators at power stations. The reduction of currents will lead to the reduction of losses.

The level of losses will decrease, first, at the stage of energy transfer. The physical manifestation of it will be the decrease in energy deficit value. This factor will dramatically influence the performance stability of the generating segment of electric energy networks: and will increase the reliability of its parameters, and the operational stability of generators.

Direct and feedback links in the electric energy system are obvious.

As a result of the mass usage of optimization technology, the total energy-saving effect in the whole electric energy network can reach 5 % or more.

Conclusion - The implementation of Smart-Optimizer ECOD technology is much more efficient than the implementation of CVR voltage regulation. Much higher economic and technical reasons for the use