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Generation of electric energy by renewable energy sources is a challenge that has to be carefully envisaged since presents both a potentially profitable enterprise and a source of problems to the complex operation of large electric power systems.

The article presents some aspects of grid-connected PV systems, especially the influence of PV system operation on voltage.

We well know that after introducing generation into the LVDN, the conditions in the network radically change. LVDN has been conceived, designed, constructed, and developed as radial networks with clearly defined active power flows – from higher voltage networks to lower voltage networks”. The injection of active power with the PV system into LVDN changes the habitual power flow direction so that the active power flows from the low voltage level towards the higher voltage level, i.e. towards secondary distribution substations (MV/LV).

Alteration of power flows in LVDN the usual voltage profile change, and, in most cases, unloading of LV circuits occurs, since PV systems maximum generation normally coincides with periods of LVDN high loading.

The LVDN is composed of a distribution transformer substation 10(20)/0,4 kV with one distribution transformer of rated power Sn=630 kVA and 8 low voltage circuits. Low voltage circuits are of underground cable type. The main circuits are realized by 1kV XP00-A 4x185 type cables, while the branches are realized with 1kV      XP00-A 4x95. Figures 10 - 12 demonstrate voltage profiles for different operating conditions on the LVDN – maximum loading, 50% loading, and no-load conditions for different levels of PV generation. Fifteen different scenarios have been simulated (PL- LVDN loading, PPV-PV generation level):

        S-1 – PL=100%, PPV =0% ,        S-2 – PL =50%, PPV =0%

        S-3 – PL =0%, PPV =0% ,        S-4 – PL =100%, PPV =100%

        S-5 – PL =50%, PPV =100% ,      S-6 – PL =0%, PPV =100%

        S-7 – PL =100%, PPV =75%,        S-8 – PL =50%, PPV =75%

        S-9 – PL =0%, PPV =75% ,        S-10 – PL =100%, PPV =50%

        S-11 – PL =50%, PPV =50% ,        S-12 – PL =0%, PPV =50%

        S-13 – PL =100%, PPV =25%,         S-14 – PL =50%, PPV =25%

By inspection of voltage profiles given in Figures 10 – 12 it can be noted that the profiles lack resemblance to typical voltage profiles inherent to radial distribution networks. This is so due to LVDN operation in closed loop form.

A voltage increase at nodes electrically close to the PV generator’s connection point is evident (SRO3, SRO4, SRO5, and SRO6).

A considerable distinction in the voltage profile presented in Figure 12 is evident, which is due to the no-load operation of the LVDN. 

The influence of PV generator connection point has also been analyzed and the results are presented in Figures 13 - 14. Namely, by performing power flow calculations for the LVDN operated both in closed loop and open loop form, voltage profiles for all network nodes were obtained and compared to the values obtained for LVDN operation without PV generation. Figure 13 demonstrates the overall relative voltage increase for all network nodes due to PV system current injection into LVDN operated in closed loop form, while Figure 14 demonstrates the same values quantities for LVDN operated in open loop form. 

By inspection of Figures 13 and 14, a maximum voltage profile increase can be perceived at node denoted by SRO4, which suggests that by connecting the PV generator at node SRO4 a maximum voltage increase at all nodes of the network can be expected. Higher voltage increases in the LVDN, operated in open loop form, can also be noted. 

Based on the information above we clearly understand the importance of voltage regulation in connections between transmission lines and solar panels.

That's why we offer technology that combines seemingly contradictory conditions - adapting line voltage for integration with solar panels, optimizing electricity consumption, and reducing losses in transmission lines.


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Dubravko Franković Marijana Živić Đurović Saša Saldić

Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka